Papercraft Objects: Digital Samples
Megan Janett OBDF 110 Unfolded Objects The purpose of this project is to teach us how to create flat objects from three dimensional objects. though unfolding these objects it allows us to print them on paper or other materials in which we can then fold to create the 3D objects in real life. By unfolding the objects it allows us to have a better understanding of what individual shapes make up the complex objects. The objects below are mainly random objects that slowly get more and more complex. Object 1 ⇒ The first object is just a basic pyramid. I wanted to start out with a pretty basic shape to get the hang of using the different commands used to unfold the objects. Object 2 ⇒ This object is also simple, i used the Extrudesrf command to create the shape. This object does not have any relation to my ideas for the final it was just another shape that allowed me to get to know the commands better. Object 3 ⇒ Object three was inspired by the ...