Papercraft Object: Phase I Prototype
Megan Janett
OBDF 110
OBDF 110
Music Note
The significant item I chose to recreate from my life is a music note. Throughout my life music has had a huge part in it. I did ballet for twelve years starting when I was just three years old. The music note represents the music that I would dance to, which was almost always classical. It also represents the eight years me playing and learning piano. I started roughly at the beginning of elementary school and am still taking lessons today. Next year I will be able to take my exam to teach piano myself.
When I printed and assembled the music note I misinterpreted how big it was going to be. For my final piece I will need to scale it down to a quarter of the size it is now. I also think that the object by itself doesn't look very good, I am thinking about adding the bars that the music notes would sit on and have about four notes attached to that with a treble clef sign at the start. Or I may try to make some sort of stand for them. Overall it was quite easy to put together, but getting the rolled paper at the top to not tip over the object if a problem that I am still trying to fix. Though by attaching it to something I think that should prevent the note from topping over.
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