
Papercraft Object: Final Revision

Megan Janett OBDF 110 Music Notes Throughout my life I have done many things involving music. The two things that I centered this project around is Ballet and piano. I did twelve years of dance and am currently on my eighth year of piano.  Originally I was just going to have free standing notes, but various people suggested adding something for them to sit on so that they felt more connected. So I decided to make multiple notes and put them on the bar lines. Above are the laser-cuttable templates, the red being the final cut. Overall it was pretty easy to unfold my objects as they weren't too complicated. The shape that took the longest was the sphere.     Above is the final paper model. I decided on using just two colors of paper. I debated on making the white part different colors so that it didn't look too plain but after thinking about it I decided to keep it plain and simple. I am happy with the de...

Papercraft Object: Phase I Prototype

Megan Janett OBDF 110 Music Note     The significant item I chose to recreate from my life is a music note. Throughout my life music has had a huge part in it. I did ballet for twelve years starting when I was just three years old. The music note represents the music that I would dance to, which was almost always classical. It also represents the eight years me playing and learning piano. I started roughly at the beginning of elementary school and am still taking lessons today. Next year I will be able to take my exam to teach piano myself.     When I printed and assembled the music note I misinterpreted how big it was going to be. For my final piece I will need to scale it down to a quarter of the size it is now. I also think that the object by itself doesn't look very good, I am thinking about adding the bars that the music notes would sit on and have about four notes attached to that with a treble clef sign at the start. Or I may try to make some sor...

Papercraft Objects: Digital Samples

Megan Janett OBDF 110 Unfolded Objects The purpose of this project is to teach us how to create flat objects from three dimensional objects. though unfolding these objects it allows us to print them on paper or other materials in which we can then fold to create the 3D objects in real life. By unfolding the objects it allows us to have a better understanding of what individual shapes make up the complex objects. The objects below are mainly random objects that slowly get more and more complex. Object 1 ⇒ The first object is just a basic pyramid. I wanted to start out with a pretty basic shape to get the hang of using the different commands used to unfold the objects. Object 2 ⇒ This object is also simple, i used the Extrudesrf command to create the shape. This object does not have any relation to my ideas for the final it was just another shape that allowed me to get to know the commands better. Object 3 ⇒ Object three was inspired by the ...

Papercraft Research

Megan Janett OBDF 110 Layered Paper Art The artists that I was inspired by were Deepti Nair and Harikrishnan Panicker who create light boxes out of layered cut paper. The create scenes within a shadow box in which they use LED strips to light it from behind. When lit these pieces turn from seemingly flat images to playful scenes of people, monsters, sea creatures and other things. illuminated-cut-paper-light-boxes-by-hari-deepti/ To my understanding these piece are created using many layers of paper to create a scene. the more paper you add the darker the image will be when lit. The only problem I have with this type of paper art is that they aren't that interesting to look at when there is no light coming from behind the layered paper. The images tend to look flat and since it is all the same color, everything tends to blend together. I think that the most difficult part of layered paper is trying to figure out wh...

Mesh Mashup: HD Renders (Milestone Project 1)

Megan Janett Febuary 5, 2020 OBDF 110 Laughing Pill Final Rendering