Papercraft Object: Final Revision
Megan Janett OBDF 110 Music Notes Throughout my life I have done many things involving music. The two things that I centered this project around is Ballet and piano. I did twelve years of dance and am currently on my eighth year of piano. Originally I was just going to have free standing notes, but various people suggested adding something for them to sit on so that they felt more connected. So I decided to make multiple notes and put them on the bar lines. Above are the laser-cuttable templates, the red being the final cut. Overall it was pretty easy to unfold my objects as they weren't too complicated. The shape that took the longest was the sphere. Above is the final paper model. I decided on using just two colors of paper. I debated on making the white part different colors so that it didn't look too plain but after thinking about it I decided to keep it plain and simple. I am happy with the de...